
Foreigners are welcome to donate blood in Japan. Blood donation in Japan is subject to stricter rules than some foreigners are used to; because of this, sometimes confusion arises. The restrictions apply to anyone wanting to donate blood, and everyone has to fill out the same forms their first time donating, regardless of nationality.

Restrictions and rules in Japanese

A detailed explanation of the blood donor regulations in English (not affiliated with FN Lifeline): Who can and can’t donate blood in Japan

Blood donation locations:

Happy Cross
blood donation room
Closed when イムズ building is closed 10:00-13:00
Canal City
blood donation room
Closed on 1st and last day of the year 10:00-13:00
Osshoi Hakata
blood donation room
Closed on 1st and last day of the year 10:00-13:00
Uomachi Gintengai
blood donation room
Closed 2nd Friday of every month Blood: 10:00-13:00
Plasma: 10:00-13:00
Kitakyushu Red Cross Blood Center Closed Sunday and on all holidays unless holidays are on a Saturday Blood: 10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:30
Plasma: 10:00-13:00, 14:00-16:00

Fukuoka blood donation locations (in Japanese)

Nicole is a volunteer for FN Lifeline helping with translation and editing.

I am an Australian and started giving blood in Japan 6 years ago. Each time I go I have been met with a very warm welcome and have had no particular trouble donating. The question sheets are a little over-whelming, but nothing that can’t be conquered with some time and even a trusted friend if your Japanese isn’t fluent.  Once you have gone through this you get a card and then, unless there are changes to your details, the next time is simple. It is a great feeling to give blood!


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